Service Plans

Selecting the IT services that meet your needs can be confusing, especially when there are so many options.  We always want to make things simple for you, so we’ve built three different Service Plans.  These enable you to see what is included ensuring you can make an informed decision.  If you aren’t sure which would work best for you, book a introductory chat and we’re more than happy to help.

Essentials Plan

  • Guaranteed Response Time
  • User Support
  • IT Administration
  • Endpoint Protection
  • Service Reporting
  • IT Asset Management

Standard Plan

  • Everything in Essentials plus…
  • Microsoft 365 Backup
  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Patch Management
  • Live Client Portal
  • System Documentation
  • Technology Roadmap

Premium Plan

  • Everything in Standard plus…
  • Email Signature Management
  • Password Management
  • Subscription Management

Service Descriptions

We want to provide you with as much information as you need to make a decision.  Below are more details on each of the services that make up our services plans, as well as a few that can be added on.

User Support

We provide unlimited remote break-fix support for your business.  What does that mean?  If something isn’t working as it’s supposed to, using the latest remote access technology, we’ll fix it!

IT Administration

Any administration tasks that take up to 15 minutes are covered by your support, these include such day-to-day tasks as new user setup, permission changes to files, additional mailboxes, license management and much more…

Proactive Monitoring

We’ll monitor the health and welbeing of your IT systems, such as that Anti-Virus is up to date on a laptop, backups have run correctly, identifying potential hardware failure before they happen and much more…

Patch Management

We’ll ensure that all your computers are kept up to date with the latest security and critical patches from Microsoft.  In addition, we can also put in place application patching to ensure you’re as up to date and secure as possible.

Microsoft 365 Backup

Did you know Microsoft recommend that an independent backup solution is used for 365? Microsoft only maintain backups for very short periods, we offer a longer retention of a minimum of 3 months, longer if needed

Endpoint Protection

Don’t allow cyber-criminals to reap the rewards of your hard work. Protect your business with the latest in Next Generation antivirus & ransomware systems, ensuring that your platform is monitored and managed to ensure it’s ready to protect you.

IT Asset Management

Knowing what IT equipment you own is very important so you can manage them to make sure you’re getting the Return on Investment.  Our asset management software will be installed on all your computers, as well as monitor your network for network devices such as printers, wireless access poirts, firewalls, etc.

Email Signature Management

Do some of your team forget to add signatures to the email applications across thier devices?  Or even worse they don’t follow your company’s branding template? We automate that for you, so users never have to worry about it again.

Live Client Portal

Transparancy is our mantra, so we provide a client portal with a live feed into our systems. You can see the latest information on your support tickets, open projects, documentation, service reports, invoices and many other areas.

Technology Roadmap

It’s important to have a plan for your IT and not be surprised by anything.  We work with you to understand your business so we can provide an IT roadmap and more importantly a budget! No more financial shocks as you’re suddenly asked to spend thousands on an unplanned expenses!

Subscription Management

We’ll track your subscription licenses that are purchased through ISS.  Ensuring that these are used optimally and you’re not paying for more than you need.  We far to often see business paying for more software licenses than they are using.

System Documentation

Knowing everything about your IT systems is important, so we can manage, monitor and support all the elements. We document this, but unlike a lot of IT companies, we consider this as your data, that you can have access to at any time.

Password Management

In the modern IT world, it’s imposible to have secure passwords for systems that you can keep in your brain. We provide a highly secure and encrypted password manager that you can utilise. Ensuring all your accounts have secure passwords and the only person with access is you.

Service Reporting

It’s important to know the status of your IT systems and the services we deliver to your business.  We provide a comprehensive, non jargon, regular report to ensure you have insight in to what’s been happening and more importantly what else can be done to improve your businesses IT.

Additional Services

Some services we provide as add-ons to our normal service plans, these can be added to any plan and will enhance your IT services and security.

On-Site Support

We can fix over 90% of issues remotely with the technology we’ve invested in, however sometimes we may need to attend site to put our techy hands on it to resolve the issue. You’ll see one of our team in their trusty vans very soon!

Repairs and upgrades

ISS provide a comprehensive IT repair service. We can identify and advise on improvements and implement upgrades to suit your business.


ISS provide a bespoke IT installation service tailored to your company’s needs. Why not let our expert engineers take the strain.

Server Backup

We’ll ensure that your servers are backed up, encrypted and then transported off site to our secure datacentre. Meaning that if the worst was to ever happen, that you’ve got the ability to quickly recover your data and continue your business.

Virtual IT Director

The heart of any great business is service and these days the key to that is the ongoing improvement of how technology is used.  We provide that strategic level of expertise for you, helping you understand how you can better use your CRM, ERP or other business systems to integrate and talk to each other.

Cyber Essentials Accreditation

Do you want to protect your business from cyber crime?  We’d recommend Cyber Essentials, it ensures you’ve got all your bases covered to vastly reduce the chances of a successful cyber attack.

ISS Partners

Altaro Silver Partner
Iss IT Partners